29th Anniversary of Baba Shaykh

"History has its truth, and so has legend...". "Legends are best left as legends and attempts to make them real are rarely successful"
History was made in Makkah in 570AD when the legend of all time, the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born in the Holy city of Makkah. The same history was made in 632AD when the Prophet(SAW) died.
To the Sufiyyun of the contemporary age, history is replete with the birth of the great legend, the succour of the age(Gawthul zaman), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse in 1900 at Tayba-Niass. The same history was made when he passed on in London around 1975. In the same vein, history was made in 1919 when our own legend, our kinsman, the master of saints, Shaykh Jami'u Amao Bulala was born in Offa. This same history repeated itself when he died in Offa on 5th March, 1989. May Allah be pleased with his soul.
Most legends were not recognised while being alive until they passed on. This is what is obtainable in the personality of Shaykh Jami'u who has put our town into limelight  among enviable towns. Verily the city of Makkah would not have attained such lofty position without the personality of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), the city of Kawlakh would not have  been a home for the breeding and baking of protégés without the personality of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. Certainly, Offa as a town, would not have been a prominent town in Yorubaland without the personality of Shaykh Jami'u. Albeit, his eccentric way of life which led many to brand him as a mad man, the man actually left an indelible imprint in the sands of time.
In the Sufi parlance, we don't say our saints 'have dead', rather we say 'they died' in tandem with Qur'an 3:169, i.e "Think not of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead, Nay, they are alive with their Lord, and they have provisions." Thus, I succinctly submit that Shaykh Jami'u is a legend whose legacy will continue to live on. May the mercy of Allah never elude him and his household. RadiyaLlahu ta'ala anihu.


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