Sufi Corner

Culled from "The Hundred Steps" by Shaykh Abdalqadir al-Murabit (Kuala Lumpur:Madinah Press, 1998)
'There is no road to the realities except on the tongue of the Shari’ah.' said Shaykh al-Akbar. The Shari'ah of Islam is the confirmation that there is no divinity but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. It is to pray five times daily the ritual prostrations. It is to fast the month of Ramadan. It is to pay the zakat tax of wealth. It is to take, if possible, the Hajj to the pure House of Allah and the plain of Arafat. It is based on these and confirms that the one following the Shari'ah has elected to live within the broad moral parameters set down in the Quranic commands and according to the guidance within the Sunnah, the life-pattern of Muhammad, blessing of Allah and peace be upon him. Having accepted the Shari'ah is the deep cognition that the human creature is limited, is in a body, and thus, like all bodies in the physical world, obeys given laws. There is no compulsion in the life-transaction, thus it cannot be called 'organised religion' -no- it is the self chosen pattern of life one has adopted in order to deepen knowledge until one reaches one's own source, one's spring of life, to drink if the water of illumination.
Shari'ah thus implies recognition of biological laws that function at every level of existence. Thus, we observe that the Kafirun, those who reject, nevertheless follow their Shari'ah, improvised yet functional. Our Shari'ah is all mercy, while theirs is always revealed to be cruel, repressive and narrow. Ours is from the best of Creation, beloved by millions of human beings. Theirs is a dark shadow from line imagining.
Shari'ah is the yardstick through which all Islamic affairs are measured. Every facet of Islam is supposed to be in tandem with it. Thus, it is disheartening to hear that some groups who claim affinity to Sufism are involved in nefarious activities which are anathema to the Shari'ah. This is condemnable.
Imam Malik is reported to have said: He who practices Sufism and does not understand and observe Shari'ah has corrupted his faith, while, he who understand and observe the Shari'ah without practicing Sufism has corrupted himself. But he who combines both has indeed proven integrity.


  1. Salam alaikum brother
    May Allah bless this beautiful work.
    I'm also a proud son of the illuminated town of offa and a lover of shamsudeen li Islam.

    1. Wa alaikum Salam beloved. Am humbled. Is a pleasure meeting you here. Looking forward to better days ahead

  2. Please how does one get notifications and links to your blog?

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    2. Thanks for checking on my blog. Suffice it to say that as an amateur blogger am still working on it but hopefully I will feed you back on any developments In-shaa-Allah
      Thanks again


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